Seasons and the weather in Spanish

Seasons and the weather in Spanish

Updated May 19, 2023

Most countries have four seasons. The four seasons in Spanish are: “verano” (summer), “otoño” (autumn), “invierno” (winter)  and “primavera” (spring). Talking about the weather and seasons is a good start if you want to find yourself engaged in small talk.  Aside from that, being familiar with the seasons can enable you to understand people’s cosmovision and culture a lot better such as: traditional celebrations or local festivals.

Describing the weather

When talking about the weather and the seasons in Spanish, the verb” to be”- “estar”  is very useful as it describes a temporary weather condition. For instance, “El clima está lluvioso.” – The weather is rainy. On the other hand , the verb” to be” – “ser” will be used to express a more accurate description of the weather.To illustrate, “Hoy es un día caluroso.” –  “Today is a hot day.” Another example could be: “El clima en Canadá  es frío”- “The weather in Canada is cold.”

Phrases to ask about  the weather and seasons

To ask about the weather you may use the following questions: “¿Cómo está el clima?” or “¿Qué tiempo hace?”  Which means “¿What is the weather like?” The former question is typical in Latin American countries whereas the latter is more common in Spain. However there are other ways to ask as follows:

“¿Cómo es el verano en Londres?”   How is Summer in London?

“El verano es muy caluroso.”             Summer is too hot.

“¿Cuál es tu estación favorita?”         Which is your favorite season?

Verbs “Hacer” and “Haber” related to the weather

In general we use three verbs to talk about the weather in spanish: “haber” in its form “hay”, “estar”  as “está “and “ hacer” as “hace”. Pay attention to the words in dark.

“Hay neblina en la mañana.”   There is fog in the morning.

“Hace mucho viento.”               It’s very windy.

Now you are able to take part in a conversation about the seasons and the weather. Bright Lingua offers the most engaging Spanish lessons which will enable you to develop communicative skills from the very beginning.

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